Friday, March 11, 2022


Christian entertainment is cringe.

Christian movies are filled with bad acting, bad stories, and, worst of all, bad theology.

Christian novels are often no better.

Christian music is hardly worth listening to. Popular Christian worship music is filled not only with bad music, but also with bad lyrics

The point of this blog is not to be critical just to be critical, though there may be some merit even in that; rather, there is the hope, a very small hope to be sure, that this will provide some small help or incentive to make these Christian forms of entertainment better than they are now.

I hope that this might be a guide of some kind for the readers, so they can know what’s not worth their time to see or read, and maybe every now and again, what may be worth seeing and reading.

I hope it might be some part of weeding out the really cringey stuff that infests Christian entertainment.

I hope it might warn against that “worst of all”, the bad theology that would make even otherwise not-so-bad Christian entertainment no good.

Despite how negative I am in this little introduction, understand please that I intend to be fair. I don’t intend to be negative and critical just to be that way, or in the hope that it’ll draw attention.

One more thing: I’ll probably do more than just reviews of Christian entertainment, and even more than just reviews. We’ll see. The reviews should be the primary content, but maybe not the only content.

With all that said, let’s get to it.

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